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Recount Text Example

The “Requirement” for Applying Job

Have you ever failed to join an interview because you do not wear socks?
I have.
It happened when I was trying to enroll to be a new employee in a food company in Bekasi two years ago. I had prepared all things for applying for a job the night before. I prepared the envelope in which I filled out an application letter and some requirements, such as the identity card, and a copy of my certificates.
That morning was a Monday. It was at 8:00 o’clock. I was standing in front of the gates of the food company holding my envelope in my arms. I came into the company’s yard. There was a little building –the post –not so far from the gates. There were some securities that were sitting inside that building. Besides the post, there were some people who were wearing the same clothes as me –a white shirt and black trousers. I walked to the post and gave my envelope to the security –a young man –who was waiting in his room. He asked me to wait until there was a call from the administrator who handled a new employee. I agreed for waiting because waiting had been the ‘requirement’ in looking for a job. I sat on a bench beside the post with some applicants who had sat there before. I made a little chat with some applicants.
Two hours later. When I was getting bored, suddenly the security called two of us –and that was not me –to interview. Although I had not been called, I still kept my hope to be the next call. And a few minutes later one of the applicants who was called at first, came sadly to us who were waiting for the next call –especially me.
Unfortunately, she had been refused to follow the interview because she didn’t wear socks. It was like thunder in the afternoon because I was not wearing socks either. I was panicked and confused. How could I get socks only in a few minutes? I knew I could buy socks in the market, but unluckily the market was so far from there, and of course, it needed a few hours.  I looked at some applicants who were put outside their socks from their bags –starting to use their socks –and I saw some who were walking outside –they wanted to go home I guessed.   
I was hopeless. Why must it be socks? A little thing that was never told or listed as a ‘requirement’ for applying for the job. I almost cried knowing that I had been eliminated just because of socks. At that time I wished that there would be any socks in my bag, or that there was a socks shop in front of me immediately, but it was like a dream which would not come true. I didn’t bring any socks –that was the fact. So I decided to come back home with my big disappointment and after that event, I always brought socks when I wanted to apply for a job.
That was my unlucky story. From this moment, I know something -- ‘do not ignore a little thing, because it will be a big thing in a big moment’.


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