Nouns (Kata Benda)
Time (Waktu)
- Example: I don't have enough time.
Saya tidak punya cukup waktu.
- Example: I don't have enough time.
Year (Tahun)
- Example: This year has been very challenging.
Tahun ini sangat menantang.
- Example: This year has been very challenging.
People (Orang-orang)
- Example: Many people attended the event.
Banyak orang menghadiri acara tersebut.
- Example: Many people attended the event.
Way (Cara)
- Example: This is the best way to solve the problem.
Ini adalah cara terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah.
- Example: This is the best way to solve the problem.
Day (Hari)
- Example: I will see you the day after tomorrow.
Saya akan menemui Anda lusa.
- Example: I will see you the day after tomorrow.
Man (Pria)
- Example: The man over there is my uncle.
Pria di sana adalah paman saya.
- Example: The man over there is my uncle.
Thing (Benda/hal)
- Example: What's that thing on the table?
Apa benda itu di atas meja?
- Example: What's that thing on the table?
Woman (Wanita)
- Example: The woman in red is a famous actress.
Wanita berbaju merah itu adalah aktris terkenal.
- Example: The woman in red is a famous actress.
Life (Hidup)
- Example: Life is full of surprises.
Hidup penuh dengan kejutan.
- Example: Life is full of surprises.
Child (Anak)
- Example: The child is playing in the park.
Anak itu bermain di taman.
- Example: The child is playing in the park.
World (Dunia)
- Example: She wants to travel the world.
Dia ingin berkeliling dunia.
- Example: She wants to travel the world.
School (Sekolah)
- Example: My brother goes to the same school as me.
Saudaraku bersekolah di sekolah yang sama dengan saya.
- Example: My brother goes to the same school as me.
State (Negara/keadaan)
- Example: The state of the economy is improving.
Keadaan ekonomi semakin membaik.
- Example: The state of the economy is improving.
Family (Keluarga)
- Example: Family is everything to me.
Keluarga adalah segalanya bagi saya.
- Example: Family is everything to me.
Student (Siswa/Mahasiswa)
- Example: She is a diligent student.
Dia adalah siswa yang rajin.
- Example: She is a diligent student.
Group (Kelompok)
- Example: We worked in a small group.
Kami bekerja dalam kelompok kecil.
- Example: We worked in a small group.
Country (Negara)
- Example: Indonesia is a beautiful country.
Indonesia adalah negara yang indah.
- Example: Indonesia is a beautiful country.
Problem (Masalah)
- Example: We need to find a solution to this problem.
Kita perlu menemukan solusi untuk masalah ini.
- Example: We need to find a solution to this problem.
Hand (Tangan)
- Example: She held my hand tightly.
Dia memegang tangan saya dengan erat.
- Example: She held my hand tightly.
Part (Bagian)
- Example: This is an important part of the project.
Ini adalah bagian penting dari proyek.
- Example: This is an important part of the project.
Place (Tempat)
- Example: This place is very quiet.
Tempat ini sangat tenang.
- Example: This place is very quiet.
Case (Kasus)
- Example: The lawyer won the case.
Pengacara tersebut memenangkan kasus itu.
- Example: The lawyer won the case.
Week (Minggu)
- Example: I will be on vacation next week.
Saya akan berlibur minggu depan.
- Example: I will be on vacation next week.
Company (Perusahaan)
- Example: He works for a big company.
Dia bekerja untuk perusahaan besar.
- Example: He works for a big company.
System (Sistem)
- Example: The new system is more efficient.
Sistem baru ini lebih efisien.
- Example: The new system is more efficient.
Program (Program)
- Example: She is enrolled in a master's program.
Dia terdaftar dalam program magister.
- Example: She is enrolled in a master's program.
Question (Pertanyaan)
- Example: Do you have any questions?
Apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan?
- Example: Do you have any questions?
Work (Pekerjaan)
- Example: I have a lot of work to do.
Saya punya banyak pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan.
- Example: I have a lot of work to do.
Government (Pemerintah)
- Example: The government announced new policies.
Pemerintah mengumumkan kebijakan baru.
- Example: The government announced new policies.
Number (Angka)
- Example: Please write your phone number here.
Tolong tuliskan nomor telepon Anda di sini.
- Example: Please write your phone number here.
Verbs (Kata Kerja)
Be (Menjadi)
- Example: She wants to be a doctor.
Dia ingin menjadi dokter.
- Example: She wants to be a doctor.
Have (Memiliki)
- Example: I have a car.
Saya memiliki mobil.
- Example: I have a car.
Do (Melakukan)
- Example: What do you do in your free time?
Apa yang Anda lakukan di waktu luang Anda?
- Example: What do you do in your free time?
Say (Mengatakan)
- Example: He said he would come.
Dia mengatakan dia akan datang.
- Example: He said he would come.
Get (Mendapatkan)
- Example: I need to get some sleep.
Saya perlu mendapatkan tidur yang cukup.
- Example: I need to get some sleep.
Make (Membuat)
- Example: She made a delicious cake.
Dia membuat kue yang lezat.
- Example: She made a delicious cake.
Go (Pergi)
- Example: I go to the gym every day.
Saya pergi ke gym setiap hari.
- Example: I go to the gym every day.
Know (Mengetahui)
- Example: I know the answer.
Saya tahu jawabannya.
- Example: I know the answer.
Take (Mengambil)
- Example: Please take this to the office.
Tolong bawa ini ke kantor.
- Example: Please take this to the office.
See (Melihat)
- Example: I see the mountains from here.
Saya melihat gunung dari sini.
- Example: I see the mountains from here.
Come (Datang)
- Example: Can you come to the party?
Bisakah Anda datang ke pesta?
- Example: Can you come to the party?
Think (Berpikir)
- Example: I think we should leave now.
Saya berpikir kita harus pergi sekarang.
- Example: I think we should leave now.
Look (Melihat)
- Example: Look at that beautiful bird!
Lihat burung yang indah itu!
- Example: Look at that beautiful bird!
Want (Ingin)
- Example: I want to travel around the world.
Saya ingin berkeliling dunia.
- Example: I want to travel around the world.
Give (Memberi)
- Example: He gave me a gift.
Dia memberi saya hadiah.
- Example: He gave me a gift.
Use (Menggunakan)
- Example: Can I use your phone?
Bisakah saya menggunakan telepon Anda?
- Example: Can I use your phone?
Find (Menemukan)
- Example: I can't find my keys.
Saya tidak bisa menemukan kunci saya.
- Example: I can't find my keys.
Tell (Mengatakan)
- Example: Please tell me the truth.
Tolong katakan yang sebenarnya.
- Example: Please tell me the truth.
Ask (Bertanya)
- Example: Can I ask you a question?
Bolehkah saya bertanya sesuatu?
- Example: Can I ask you a question?
Work (Bekerja)
- Example: She works at a bank.
Dia bekerja di bank.
- Example: She works at a bank.
Seem (Tampak)
- Example: He seems happy today.
Dia tampak bahagia hari ini.
- Example: He seems happy today.
Feel (Merasa)
- Example: I feel tired after the long walk.
Saya merasa lelah setelah berjalan jauh.
- Example: I feel tired after the long walk.
Try (Mencoba)
- Example: I will try to finish it by tomorrow.
Saya akan mencoba menyelesaikannya besok.
- Example: I will try to finish it by tomorrow.
Leave (Meninggalkan)
- Example: She left her bag at home.
Dia meninggalkan tasnya di rumah.
- Example: She left her bag at home.
Call (Memanggil/Menelepon)
- Example: I will call you later.
Saya akan menelepon Anda nanti.
- Example: I will call you later.
Need (Membutuhkan)
- Example: I need your help.
Saya membutuhkan bantuan Anda.
- Example: I need your help.
Become (Menjadi)
- Example: She has become very successful.
Dia telah menjadi sangat sukses.
- Example: She has become very successful.
Put (Menaruh)
- Example: Please put the book on the table.
Tolong taruh bukunya di atas meja.
- Example: Please put the book on the table.
Mean (Berarti)
- Example: What does this word mean?
Apa arti kata ini?
- Example: What does this word mean?
Keep (Menjaga)
- Example: Keep the door closed.
Jaga pintunya tetap tertutup.
- Example: Keep the door closed.
Adjectives (Kata Sifat)
Good (Baik)
- Example: This is a good idea.
Ini adalah ide yang baik.
- Example: This is a good idea.
New (Baru)
- Example: I bought a new phone.
Saya membeli telepon baru.
- Example: I bought a new phone.
First (Pertama)
- Example: She was the first to arrive.
Dia yang pertama tiba.
- Example: She was the first to arrive.
Last (Terakhir)
- Example: This is the last chance.
Ini adalah kesempatan terakhir.
- Example: This is the last chance.
Long (Panjang)
- Example: The road is very long.
Jalan itu sangat panjang.
- Example: The road is very long.
Great (Hebat)
- Example: You did a great job!
Kamu melakukan pekerjaan yang hebat!
- Example: You did a great job!
Little (Sedikit/Kecil)
- Example: I have little time left.
Saya punya sedikit waktu tersisa.
- Example: I have little time left.
Own (Sendiri)
- Example: She owns a house.
Dia memiliki rumah sendiri.
- Example: She owns a house.
Other (Lain)
- Example: Do you have any other options?
Apakah Anda memiliki pilihan lain?
- Example: Do you have any other options?
Old (Tua/Lama)
- Example: This is an old tradition.
Ini adalah tradisi lama.
- Example: This is an old tradition.
Right (Benar/Kanan)
- Example: You are absolutely right.
Kamu benar sekali.
- Example: You are absolutely right.
Big (Besar)
- Example: The city is very big.
Kota ini sangat besar.
- Example: The city is very big.
High (Tinggi)
- Example: The mountain is very high.
Gunung itu sangat tinggi.
- Example: The mountain is very high.
Different (Berbeda)
- Example: We have different opinions.
Kami memiliki pendapat yang berbeda.
- Example: We have different opinions.
Small (Kecil)
- Example: She lives in a small house.
Dia tinggal di rumah kecil.
- Example: She lives in a small house.
Large (Besar/Luas)
- Example: The company has a large office.
Perusahaan itu memiliki kantor yang besar.
- Example: The company has a large office.
Next (Selanjutnya)
- Example: What’s your plan for next week?
Apa rencana Anda untuk minggu depan?
- Example: What’s your plan for next week?
Early (Dini/awal)
- Example: I woke up early this morning.
Saya bangun pagi-pagi sekali.
- Example: I woke up early this morning.
Young (Muda)
- Example: She is still young.
Dia masih muda.
- Example: She is still young.
Important (Penting)
- Example: This is an important meeting.
Ini adalah pertemuan penting.
- Example: This is an important meeting.
Adverbs (Kata Keterangan)
Very (Sangat)
- Example: She is very smart.
Dia sangat pintar.
- Example: She is very smart.
Too (Terlalu)
- Example: This bag is too heavy.
Tas ini terlalu berat.
- Example: This bag is too heavy.
Really (Sungguh)
- Example: I really like this movie.
Saya sungguh suka film ini.
- Example: I really like this movie.
Quite (Cukup)
- Example: She is quite tall.
Dia cukup tinggi.
- Example: She is quite tall.
Already (Sudah)
- Example: I have already finished my work.
Saya sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya.
- Example: I have already finished my work.
Still (Masih)
- Example: She is still studying.
Dia masih belajar.
- Example: She is still studying.
Just (Baru saja)
- Example: I just got here.
Saya baru saja tiba.
- Example: I just got here.
Even (Bahkan)
- Example: He didn't even apologize.
Dia bahkan tidak minta maaf.
- Example: He didn't even apologize.
Always (Selalu)
- Example: She always comes on time.
Dia selalu datang tepat waktu.
- Example: She always comes on time.
Sometimes (Kadang-kadang)
- Example: I sometimes feel tired.
Saya kadang-kadang merasa lelah.
- Example: I sometimes feel tired.
Prepositions (Preposisi)
In (Di dalam)
- Example: She is in the room.
Dia ada di dalam ruangan.
- Example: She is in the room.
On (Di atas)
- Example: The book is on the table.
Buku itu ada di atas meja.
- Example: The book is on the table.
At (Di)
- Example: I will meet you at the park.
Saya akan bertemu dengan Anda di taman.
- Example: I will meet you at the park.
By (Oleh)
- Example: This song is sung by a famous singer.
Lagu ini dinyanyikan oleh penyanyi terkenal.
- Example: This song is sung by a famous singer.
With (Dengan)
- Example: I went to the cinema with my friends.
Saya pergi ke bioskop dengan teman-teman saya.
- Example: I went to the cinema with my friends.
About (Tentang)
- Example: What is this movie about?
Film ini tentang apa?
- Example: What is this movie about?
Against (Melawan)
- Example: He is against the idea.
Dia menentang ide itu.
- Example: He is against the idea.
Between (Di antara)
- Example: She sat between her parents.
Dia duduk di antara orang tuanya.
- Example: She sat between her parents.
Through (Melalui)
- Example: We walked through the forest.
Kami berjalan melalui hutan.
- Example: We walked through the forest.
During (Selama)
- Example: She stayed silent during the meeting.
Dia tetap diam selama pertemuan.
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