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Procedure Text Example

Making Kemplang
Puspita Wening

Do you know kemplang? Kemplang is a traditional cracker made from fish as the main material. Kemplang has been produced in big scale, or we often call it as home insudtry. All home industry of kemplang has similar process to make kemplang, and here are the procedures to make kemplang.
There are some ingredients and tools that are needed to make kemplang in one production. Those are: 5 kg fish; it can be Petek, Jolot or Teripi, 150 kg starchy flour, 2 kg salt, additive substance, ¼ kg tamarind, 20 kg gula merah; the sugar is made from sap of sugar palm10 kg chili, hot water , and some charcoal. The tools which are used are: 3 big plastic pails, 1 dipper, 1 grinder, 2 ladles, 1 flatten machine, 1 mould; it has cylinder shape, 1 winnowing tray, 2 big steamers, 15 netting trays, oven mitts, 10 bamboo trays, 2 big fireplaces, 2 braziers, 4 tongs, 4 wooden beams, 4 plastic sacks, 1 pack of elastic rubbers, 1 pack of plastic sack (6x4 cm) for sauce, 1 pack of plastic  sack (40x12 cm) for kemplang, brand papers, ceramics table, and 1 big pan.
There are some steps of making kemplang. The first step is making the dough using 5 kg fish which its head and waste have been removed. After the fish is clean, they are ground by the grinder. The removal of head and waste of fish is needed in order to avoid the bitterness and the bad smell from the fish. The fish that has been grinded is put in the big plastic pail. Then, 2 kg of salt and some addictive substance are mixed with the fish. The water is added while the mixture of fish is stirred until it becomes thick. The thick mixture of fish is called tajin. Tajin takes time around two hours to be cold and ready to be added by starchy flour. Then, 150 kg starchy flour are mixed with tajin until it becomes the dough.  
After the dough is done, it is flattened by flatten machine which is placed on the ceramics table. The dough is put into the flatten machine and the dough is pressed to be flattened. Then, the flattened dough comes out automatically on the ceramics table. This process is repeated until there are eight stacks of flattenned dough on the ceramics table. After that, the mould is pressed on the stacks of flattenned dough until it reaches the surface of the ceramics table. The mould is taken out from the stacks of flattenned dough, and then chips from the mould are put on the winnowing tray. This process is repeated until all the flattenned dough becomes the chips.
The chips are put on the net trays one by one. This process is repeated until all chips are put on the net trays. The trays are put into the two big steamers which have been heated before. Each big steamer consists of 7-8 net trays which are filled by the chip dough. The process of steaming takes time around 15 minutes. When the process of steaming has reached 15 minutes, the net trays are taken out from the steamers. The steaming chips take time around 5 minutes to  be cold.

 The chips which have been cold are moved one by one into the bamboo trays. This process is repeated until all the chips are moved into the bamboo trays. After that, the bamboo trays are lifted and put on the place which get the sunshine. The chips take 2 days to be dried by the sunshine. After 2 days of drying process, the chips are taken and put into the sacks. The sacks are brought to the place where the chips will be roasted.  
The next process is to roast the chip. The chip is roasted by using the tongs  over the braziers which contain charcoal that has been heated. The chip is pressed by using the wooden beam while they are half cooked in order to avoid the bend. After that, the chip is roasted again over the hot charcoal. The process of roasting takes time around 5 minutes until the chip is cooked and getting brown. The chip is put into the big clean plactic sack. This process is repeated until all the chips are roasted. The roasted chips are called kemplang.
Kemplang is served with the chili sauce. It is  made from 10 kg of chili, 20 kg of gula merah, ¼ kg of tamarind which its seeds have been removed, and some hot water. The big plastic pail is put below the grinder and then all the materials are put into grinder. The grinder is turned on. The chili sauce comes out from the grinder and spilled into the big plastic pail. The chili sauce is poured into a big pan to be boiled by a fireplace. Some hot water is added into the chili sauce to make the boiling process easier. The boiling process takes time around 10 minutes until the chili sauce becomes thick. The big pan is taken from the fireplace. The chili sauce takes time around five hours to be cold. After the chili sauce has been cold, it is packed in a small plastic pack (6x4 cm). The tip of the pack of chili sauce is bound tightly.
The sacks of kemplang are brought to the packaging place. Kemplang are taken out by the big plastic sack and put into the small plastic (40x12 cm) one by one. One pack is filled by 7-8 kemplang and a pack of chili sauce is put into the pack of kemplang. The pack of kemplang is bound by elastic rubber tightly in order to keep kemplang crispy.
Those are the processes of making kemplang. From all those materials, kemplang can be produced at the number of 2.000 chips. Kemplang is distributed to traditional market or super market. Sometimes there are some salesmen who buy kemplang in a big amount in order to be sold again.


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