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Argumentative Text Example

Why People Go to College
Puspita Wening
College is the next educational place after senior high school. Many people from different high schools, cities, family, and and even countries come to the university with  different purposes. There are three purposes why people go to college, that is, to learn particular study related to future job, to get a better job, and to get scholarship.
The first purpose why people go to college is to learn particular study related to the future job. In senior high school, people learn science, such as Mathematics, Biology, Economics, or Language generally just for preparing the final exam. Differ in university, people study the science more specific because it concerns with their future job. For example, me myself goes to college because I want to learn English more for I want to be an English teacher. To be an English teacher, in college I study about English language features particularly, such as Linguistics, Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing which I had never got in senior high school. As well, I learn about the techniques and methods of English teaching which are exclusively taught only in English Department of Teacher Training Faculty. So, my aim goes to college is to study English more deeply in order to be a professional English teacher.
To learn particular study related to future job, of course, is not only the purpose why people go to college; to get a better job is another purpose, too. In this era, a better job means a high salary and a permanent job, such as doctor, teacher, or lawyer. Some occupations having those things need a high education, and college is one of the ways to get it. For example, my friend who went college because she wanted to be a lawyer which she thought could be  a good job in the future. Before in college, she was working as a labor in a electronic company only as a contract operator because she only had senior high school certificate. Then, she thought that becoming an operator  was not enough for her future life because there would not be a guarantee that her company would employe her as long as she was alive. So, she decided to go to college to get a better job, as a lawyer, through her education.
While some people go to college related to future job purposes, there are some people who go to college in order to get scholarship. There are many scholarship programs which can be got only if you are a college student. Many of the scolarships come from government, such as Academic Achievement Increase (PPA), Bidik Misi, or BUMN scholarship, beside the scholarship come from private company, like Djarum scholarship. For example, my senior in high school went to college because he wanted to get Bidik Misi. Since he was in senior high school, he had collected the information about Bidik Misi from conseling teachers in school or from his friends who had got Bidik Misi. He studied really hard to get good score for each semester—because Bidik Misi is a kind of scholarship uses raport scores from second grade until the last grade in senior high school as the requirement. He also joined with a learning course prepared for university’s test. Now, he is studying in University of Lampung happily and seriously because he has got Bidik Misi scholarship like he wanted.
In this manner, there are three purposes why some people go to college, that is, to learn particular study related to future job, to get a better job, and to get scholarship. From those purposes I get a point that every people has different purposes which can be reached with the same way,  so we just have to keep going in the right way to get the best result of our purpose.  


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