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Snake Fruit (Salak) - Yogyakarta Trip

The Benefits 

1. Increase Body Immunity  

It is because they contain Vitamin C and antioxidants such as carotenoids and lycopene that can ward off the free radicals potentially destroying the cells and DNA of a body. 

2. Brighten Skin 

The Flavonoid in their extract effectively pushes down the melanin productivity that can be used as a            whitening skin cream. 

3. Prevent Constipation 

They include Fiber that supports the alimentary tract, increases good bacteria in the colon, and makes the feces easy to be taken out. 

4. Lose Weight 

Since they have content of high fiber which is capable of making us feel full longer. 

5. Improve Memory

The composition of beta carotene, pectin, and potassium in them can smooth the blood flow to the brain which can increase retention. 

6. Maintain Eye Health 

This is because of the content of beta carotene that brings good for the eyes. 

7. Improve Heart Health 

The potassium inside them is important to maintain the heart rate and lower blood pressure, so the heart can work optimally. Besides, potassium is needed to organize the balance of the fluid body, preserve nerve function, prevent kidney stones, and keep bone density. 

8. Controlling Diabetes 

Antioxidants and acetic acid within them potentially have antidiabetic, improving the pancreatic gland function and producing insulin hormone. 

9. Control Uric Acid Levels

They contain a compound that hampers the xanthin oxidase enzyme which has a role in producing Uric Acid. 

10. Prevent Cancer 

They have an active compound that tends to be anti-cancer. 


There is one recommended place to buy them cheaply, around Rp 4.000 - Rp 7.000 for each kilo, named Tani Jaya. The seller is friendly. 

Location Tani Jaya Salak

Tani Jaya is one of the salak shops around there. After buying salak, it is recommended to visit Kopi Lali near the shops. 


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