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Argumentative Text Example

Death Penalty
Puspita Wening  
            Death penalty or capital punishment is a kind of punishment in which the doer is killed because he/she does serious crimes, such as, terorism, corruption, and murder that have been proven by the law. In this case, I agree with death penalty for three reasons, that is becasue, it gives retribution effect for the doer, it decreases certain capital crimes rate, and the last it saves state’s outcomes compared to jail punishment. However, there are still some people do not agree with this punishment realated to human rights and deterrence effect for the doer.
            The first refusal of death penalty is about human rights. Some people who want to abolish death penalty, often called Abolitionists, do not agree with death penalty because it is the abolition of human rights. Human rights is the right which is given by God for all human beings in the world. It is the fundamental right of a person which must be protected even for the criminal. When someone is born to the world, he/she has his fate to live and die. Only God who can take it away. So, human has no right to take away other people’s life.
            Besides, there is an argument saying that death penalty does not give the deterrence effect for the doer. This statement raises up because some people think that by death penalty the doers will not get the suffering from the punishment because they are just died without feeling the pain of being jailed, or they do not be given any chance to commiting their sins. They argue that the basic idea of punishment is to make the criminals realize about their fault, so they will not do the same crime anymore. In last, they state that this kind of punishment does not educate the doer to be a better person, and it does not solve the problem of crime in society.
            Those reasons above are the disagreement about death penalty. However, I  think that death penalty is still a proper way to punish someone who has done the capital crimes.  
            The first reason why I agree with death penalty is because it gives retribution effect for the doer. When the Abolitionists think that death penalty is the abolition of human rights, I think death penalty is the justification of the capital punishment which has been done by the doer. In other word, death penalty is the return of the living right of the victims. It is like a canon of universe which says that what you do is what you get or what you take is what you give. It is a retribution point which is the killer must be killed too in order to give the justice for the victims whom their life has been taken away. For  example, in Arab, people who kill someone must be killed too. They think that every crime must be punished equal with what they have done in order to keep peace and justice among society. That is why we need death penalty to get the justice for the victims and their family.  
            After I mentioned a reason related to the point retribution, the next reason why death penalty can be legalized is  because it decreases certain capital crimes rate. Criminality can happen because of two reasons, high opportunity and low punishment. High opportunity means that the doer has a right moment to do the crimes, like a person who finds a bag without the onwner will easily take it without regret. That happens because he finds high opportunity to do it. Beside that, low punishment is also the reason why people do the crimes. For example, before government of China made the regulation to punish the corruptors with death penalty, many of the government workers did corruption. Then, after death penalty was legalized, the corruption case decrased drastically. This proves that death penalty can decrease criminality rate.
            The last reason why death penalty is ok, beside retribution effect and hard punishment, is because it saves state’s outcomes compared to jail punishment. In some ways it sounds very rude, to talk about the money in this case, but it is also a fact that a country must still spend the state’s outcomes for jailing the doers. We must remember that the doer in this case is the one who has the serious crime, not only the pickpocket or robber. This means that the doers will get the hard punishment or in other word, they will stay very long time in the jail. Facing this fact, the state must prepare more fund to full fill their necessities in the jail, like eating, educating, or clothing. Compared to the death penalty which only needs a little amount fund of the state, sure that death penalty is the equitable punishment for the serious criminal and this kind of punishment will not burden the state.  
            Thus, I think that death penalty is the right way to punish the capital criminal because of three reasons, that is, it gives retribution effect for the doer, it decreases certain capital crimes rate, and the last it saves state’s outcomes compared to jail punishment. However, there are still some people do not agree with this punishment for it carries away the human rights, and it does not educate the defendant. From the explanation above, I conclude that everything is in the world has the rule that is what we take is what we give. So, do not hurt someone if you do not want to be hurt.


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